General Symptoms of the low sperm count

Low Sperm count
Low Sperm Count symptoms

This is an uncommon problem of the men which can be experienced by the any age of men due to the poor dieting, unhealthy life style and injuries in the testicles. Healthy sperm count can be achieved by any men with the help of diet changing, variation of the inner cloths and few modifications in the sexual habits. Peoples who are thinking that low sperm count is linked with the anxiety are wrong because this is associated with the quantity and excellence of the sperm that our body manufactures. Here are few symptoms which helps you to easily recognize that you are experiencing this problem.

Unable to pregnant partner
Those men are suffering from the low sperm count are always face the difficulty to get pregnant their partner. Within one year when a couple fails to get pregnant after the huge efforts that means low sperm count could be grounded. Low sperm count is the one of the major reasons in which couples get confused that why they are fails to get their wife’s pregnant.

Deficiency of Facial hair
Imbalance of the hormones in the body is also leads to the low sperm count in the couple and can be recognized by the deficiency of facial hair. But this is not a common situation because few men might be shaving their face once as compare to other men who shave two times in a weak. As per the medical science deficiency of the hair is only leads to the imbalance of the sexual hormones and it might emphasize with scarcity of the facial hair.

Lack of muscular development
Lack of the muscular development is also the sign of low sperm count in the couple and triggered by the Klinefelter’s syndrome or may be genetic problem which is linked with the pituitary gland. Low development is also the indication of the low production of the sex hormones in the body which triggered the low sperm count in the men.

Injury in the testicles
High quality sperm is produced in the testicles with the help of pituitary gland, any injury to these parts of the body can lead to the low sperm count.

Hot Bathing
This is common reason which can affect the quality of sperm along with low production. Hot bathing is damage of the quality sperms in the testicles.